It is possible to set a timeline of curricular reforms in the course of Medicine of Faculty of Medicine of ABC?

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David Feder


Introduction: The Faculty of Medicine of ABC (FMABC), established in 1969 in a period of great expansion of private education, with two years of basic cycle, three of clinical cycle and one of internship. Over the early years of the Faculty there is a progressive increase in the number of disciplines and the internship for two years. Experience report: In 1999 began the discussion of curriculum reform, implemented in 2002, following the Brazilian Curricular Guidelines (DCN) 2001, aimed at integrating the disciplines, and greater consistency in the future performance of graduates. There was the creation of spaces for multidisciplinary content, favoring the integration of different disciplines, including humanities subjects. With the addition of the Faculty on Pró‑Saúde (2015) accentuated if the curriculum reform, encouraging the integration of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work to bring academia, management, health professionals and community. From 2008 it was decided to systemic vision and life cycles and the introduction of the OSCE. From 2013 modifications aimed curriculum incorporating the content of the disciplines of the basic cycle in modules, beginning the disciplines of clinical cycle from the second year for the internship had a duration of 2.5 years in 2016. With the publication of new DCN in 2014 further changes should be compulsorily introduced in the course. Conclusion: Curriculum reform is an ongoing process requiring constant reflection and the ongoing restructuring. The training of our graduates have been adequate. Our external evaluations reassure us that we are on the right track.


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How to Cite
Feder, D. (2015). It is possible to set a timeline of curricular reforms in the course of Medicine of Faculty of Medicine of ABC?. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3).


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