Body satisfaction, gestational age and nutritional status in pregnant women

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Juliana Fernandes Filgueiras Meireles
Clara Mockdece Neves
Pedro Henrique Berbert de Carvalho
Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira


Introduction: The evaluation of body image during pregnancy is important for pregnant women to have specific assistance while dealing with the changes of that stage. Objective: To evaluate the body satisfaction of pregnant women, to associate this to gestational age and body mass index (BMI), and to compare groups by gestational age and nutritional status regarding body satisfaction. Methods: 55 pregnant women who performed prenatal in a private clinic in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil took part. For the assessment of body satisfaction, the Escala de Medida de Imagem Corporal (EMIC) was used. Anthropometric and obstetric data were collected. The pregnant women were compared by nutritional status and gestational age in relation to body satisfaction. In addition, the relationship between body satisfaction and BMI was investigated. Results: The mean score and standard deviation for pregnant women’s body satisfaction was 85.7±17.98 points. The majority of the sample was in the second gestational trimester and BMI was considered adequate (45 and 38%, respectively). Significant associations between body mass and BMI with body satisfaction were found. Low weight pregnant women showed higher body satisfaction (p<0.05) than pregnant women with overweight and obesity. No differences were found for scores of EMIC between groups by nutritional status and by gestational age (first, second or third trimester). Conclusion: Pregnant women with lower BMI have a higher body satisfaction, regardless of gestational age; and yet, body weight and BMI are variables related to body dissatisfaction.


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Meireles, J. F. F., Neves, C. M., Carvalho, P. H. B. de, & Ferreira, M. E. C. (2016). Body satisfaction, gestational age and nutritional status in pregnant women. ABCS Health Sciences, 41(1).
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