Integrative aspects of the relationship between stress and heart rate variability

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Suelen Moraes de Lorenzo
Vitor Engrácia Valenti
Luiz Carlos de Abreu
Celso Ferreira
Carlos Bandeira de Mello Monteiro


The literature indicates stress as a response of the organism to a stimulation that requires enormous efforts to adapt to the changes in the environment and the body. When an individual is subjected to stress, the autonomic nervous system is triggered, the sympathetic pathway is activated, and the parasympathetic system is suppressed, which exerts several effects on the cardiovascular system and affects heart rate variability. This research aimed to conduct a literature review to find and analyze the studies that address clearly the implications of stress on heart rate variability. The methodology employed
was an active search in the databases SciELO, PubMed and Lilacs. The results were five articles, most of which suggest a relationship between stress and heart rate variability. We observed that the majority of the studies indicated a strong
association between stress and cardiac autonomic activity. The stress is present in the daily activities of the population, especially in labor. The subject is vast, however, were observed in the references the effects of stress on the body making it vulnerable to diseases. Thus, this information may contribute to the aid of preventive strategies against stress and diseases of the cardiovascular system.


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Lorenzo, S. M. de, Valenti, V. E., Abreu, L. C. de, Ferreira, C., & Monteiro, C. B. de M. (2013). Integrative aspects of the relationship between stress and heart rate variability. ABCS Health Sciences, 38(3).
Review Articles


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