The academic formation of physiotherapist for the performance in health management

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Carla Regina Soares Costa
Erik Montagna


Introduction: The physiotherapist formation guidelines state the need to prepare the graduate to perform manager duties. However not clearly define the nature of these activities, either prescribed or recommended curriculum components for both. Objective: Evaluate top ten best rated physiotherapy courses according to official indices of performance and which approaches were used for this demand.  Methods: Through course data analysis and resumes of the top ten physiotherapy courses according to the General Index of Courses (IGC), a survey of the initiatives stated in official documents that met the demands of Curriculum Guidelines for physical therapy was done. Results: Showed that despite the clear statement in the guidelines, there is not an organized and systematic manner the subject “management” courses, modules or teaching units are dealt with. Conclusion: This fact reveals the disconnect between official documents statements and what is practiced in courses considered model by the IGC.


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How to Cite
Costa, C. R. S., & Montagna, E. (2015). The academic formation of physiotherapist for the performance in health management. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3).
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